We understand that not everything can be perfect, if you’re not completely satisfied with your online purchase(s) you have 14 days, from receiving your order, to return it to us for an exchange or refund.
We will offer a refund or exchange for all items returned in the condition it was supplied, with their original packaging. Any garments that show signs of being worn will not be accepted. items with such indications will unfortunately not be accepted and may be sent back to the customer.
Please note, that the postal costs to return orders are the customer’s responsibility and will only be refunded if the goods are damaged, faulty or incorrectly supplied. We are not responsible for any good lost or damaged in transit.
Returns to be posted to: The Pirate Ship Shop, c/o Brand Pilot, 65 High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1AB
Please email us at if you have any questions or issues, we’re here to help.
This does not affect your statutory rights.